Where is the FA Cup 2020 winning club? ! Let's predict with the odds of the semifinals!
Four quarter-finals of FA Cup 2020 last week. Manchester United, Arsenal, Chelsea, and Manchester City are all winning. FA Cup 2020 quarter final results Norwich vs Manchester United Norwich 1-2 Manchester United Sheffield vs Arsenal Sheffield 1-2 Arsenal Leicester City vs Chelsea Lester City 0-1 Chelsea Newcastle vs Manchester City Newcastle 0-2 Manchester City Let's take a look at the winning clubs of the last 10 years. FA Cup Winning club team for the past 10 years Year Winning club 2009–10 Chelsea 2010–11 Manchester City 2011–12 Chelsea 2012–13 Wigan 2013–14 Arsenal 2014-15 Arsenal 2015-16 Manchester United 2016-17 Arsenal 2017-18 Chelsea ...